Cash app transfer failed issues
Cash App Transfer Failed Issues
The cash app has earned popularity at a rapid pace in the financial technology field. Square Inc. the parent company of cash app, has a remarkable reputation in the field of financial technology since its establishment in 2009. Square serves in multiple countries which include USA, Canada, Australia, Japan, and UK.
Cash app is an ambitious product of Square, launched in 2015. In spite of its slow start, cash app gained popularity in long run. It acquired 7 million users till December 2017 then showed a massive upsurge in 2018 with obtaining 15 million subscribers by the end of the year and the customer base of Cash app soared up to 24 million. Cash app registered growth in their revenue and profit parallel to the number of the subscriber. Like any other payment apps, the cash app also faces some issues like server outage and the transfer failed issue, but due to trust and ease of use, it succeeds to retain its customer base. Unlike the other popular payment app like PayPal, you don't need to give multiple information about the payee, in cash app you only need to give $cashtag name and send the money just like that. $cashtag is a unique username assigned by a cash app to its registered user.